2023 – Virgo

Solar Eclipses/ The Nodes: The zones of money and values get activated, and signals events connected to all sources of money. Whether as your income, your partner’s income or as loans, mortgages, insurance or estate matters (sadly this means someone has died), you will find money as a major theme. Values are less understood, but more important and they are shaping your soul’s development. It’s basically true to say that money is the root of all evil, and that money can change how a person behaves. Whether it’s for the better or not is all up to you. For all signs: The underlying drive to form balanced relationships hinges on financial considerations. This is due to Lunar Eclipses in the signs of money, Taurus and Scorpio.

Saturn: Saturn enters your 7th house of significant other, and single signs may meet someone new in the next 2 years. Those already committed may see the focus on their partner, perhaps as a job change or event connected to them. Your spouse’s family may experience a serious event that is reflected with Saturn in the 7th. Marriages may require more effort, as demands elsewhere could erode the bond between you. Plan date nights like they were dental checkups, necessary but hopefully more frequently!

Jupiter: Jupiter energizes the zones of money, as well as travel, education, in-laws, extended family members and legal matters. One example that encompasses all zones would be real estate sales, or any money related venture that requires legal attention. Career wise things look really great in 2024, and indications of things looking better should arrive this year (sort of like cosmic smoke signals).

Retrograde Mars: The zone of career, business and reputation are in the spotlight, and you should see lots and lots of activity in these zones. With Gemini being a sign of twins, there may be more than one job, or offer, and being unemployed is unlikely (unless that’s what you want). In the world of business and astrology, Virgo gets the best shot at being noticed and sought after. Plan on being busy!

Retrograde Venus: The summer months may be low key for you, and taking time to relax should do wonders for all the hard work you’ve done. On the creative side Venus offers inspiration in spades, and letting your mind wonder can produce fabulous results. Don’t contemplate any changes to your beauty routine, such as a hair style change, because it won’t work out and could be hard to fix.

Virgo New Moon: takes place on September 14th and marks your “New Year’s Day” in astrological terms. You should start feeling more like your robust self, full of drive and passion to get something started. Although New Moons have a cyclic 19 year pattern, they don’t necessarily activate planets at each successive 19 year, thus making each New Moon special in its own way. Virgo Full Moon: takes place on February 25th, and lasts approximately 3 days. Full Moons can stir emotions, for good or bad, and things can get overwhelming. Plan accordingly by not over scheduling at this time.

It’s a “New” year and this typically means a year for new beginnings, ventures and lots of energy. This is not couch potato energy either, as there are times when lots of things are happening at once. Everything that ever was or is starts with a new beginning, and this is the year for your new beginning.

Special message for your sign: Virgo is all about the issue of work, and a powerful shift of Pluto to the work zone signals a time where your voice is ready to be heard. This applies to work environments in particular, and you may rise to become distinguished in your profession. This idea applies for many years, and will take place in a series of baby steps and the occasional leap!

The sun sign forecasts are generic in nature and may not apply to everyone as described. They are meant to highlight certain energies that are general in nature; however their impact may differ based on your unique birth chart. These forecasts are intended to “clue you in” to the planetary energies, so that you are better prepared to make the most of them when they arrive. Conversely you can avoid disappointment and aggravation knowing what planet is doing what thing and at what particular time. Your unique birth chart depicts where the planets were located depending on the date, place and time (if known). This blueprint provides insights into your nature, your preferences and what you’re seeking as a soul. With each of us on different paths, with different lessons to learn, any tool that helps us on that journey is a tool worth using. May you speak your truth, walk your talk and enjoy the journey!

Joann Shelton-Dodd