2023 – Taurus

Solar Eclipses/ The Nodes: The zones being activated are the zones of releasing and letting go, and will likely affect day to day routines. These events could be connected to job, health, pets or the bulk of your time most days. These events may even be tied to others, who may not be in a position to help themselves. For all signs: The underlying drive to form balanced relationships hinges on financial considerations. This is due to Lunar Eclipses in the signs of money, Taurus and Scorpio.

Saturn: Saturn enters your 11th house of friends, and may signal an important event tied to a friend. Do you believe in dreams? If so work at defining what you want with a collage of images to stare at every day. This exercise reinforces your message for cosmic deities to hear, and once heard can go about helping you. You just might manifest a cherished dream, illustrating why it is said Taurus is the best sign at manifesting. You simply have to want it enough.

Jupiter: Jupiter energizes the zones of kicking back and casually enjoying life, as well as the zone of personal achievements. Your year gets brighter and brighter, and should end with at least one major success. Enthusiasm and confidence spurs you to reach whatever goals you choose.

Retrograde Mars: There are money developments coming up that speak to income as well as spending. Finances may hit a snag during the actual retrograde; however the long haul speaks to advances like promotions, or is it a new job? As for spending, items tend to be major too (houses, cars).

Retrograde Venus: You’re feeling this retrograde more than other signs, and it signals developments that center on housing, home and family (mother too). You could be in the market to upgrade your home, and no doubt you’ll spend time enjoying it over the next year. Your personal life is looking good!

Taurus New Moon: takes place on May 19th and marks your “New Year’s Day” in astrological terms. You should start feeling more like your robust self, full of drive and passion to get something started. Although New Moons have a cyclic 19 year pattern, they don’t necessarily activate planets at each successive 19 year, thus making each New Moon special in its own way. Taurus Full Moon: takes place on October 29th, and lasts approximately 3 days. With a contact between Mercury and Jupiter could there be some good news?

It’s a “New” year and this typically means a year for new beginnings, ventures and lots of energy. This is not couch potato energy either, as there are times when lots of things are happening at once. Everything that ever was or is starts with a new beginning, and this is the year for you.

Special message for your sign: The world is your oyster with Jupiter in your sign for a good part of the year. Apart from the occasional retrogrades of each year, you should come out ahead of all other signs. As a matter of fact, Jupiter hooks up with Uranus in spring of 2024 and indicates a pleasant surprise, possibly huge.

The sun sign forecasts are generic in nature and may not apply to everyone as described. They are meant to highlight certain energies that are general in nature; however their impact may differ based on your unique birth chart. These forecasts are intended to “clue you in” to the planetary energies, so that you are better prepared to make the most of them when they arrive. Conversely you can avoid disappointment and aggravation knowing what planet is doing what thing and at what particular time. Your unique birth chart depicts where the planets were located depending on the date, place and time (if known). This blueprint provides insights into your nature, your preferences and what you’re seeking as a soul. With each of us on different paths, with different lessons to learn, any tool that helps us on that journey is a tool worth using. May you speak your truth, walk your talk and enjoy the journey!

Joann Shelton-Dodd