2023 – Scorpio

Starts October 23rd 2022 for one year

Solar Eclipses/ The Nodes: long with the sign of Taurus, changes are brewing that could impact your day to day routines. Typically this means issues connected to job, health, pets, moving and/or relationship changes. And these “routine” changes are anything but routine, as dynamic life events bring an old situation to an end. As one door closes another one opens. For all signs: The underlying drive to form balanced relationships hinges on financial considerations. This is due to Lunar Eclipses in the signs of money, Taurus and Scorpio.

Saturn: Saturn enters your 5th house of children, romance and having fun and signals important events with one of these themes. This includes all children, yours or others. There’s a lot of love looking to get expressed, and finding outlets for that energy is your task. The ultimate goal is unconditional love, and who said sacrificing oneself for love wasn’t worthwhile? Although there may be moments of personal challenge, the rewards far outweigh the work.

Jupiter: Jupiter activates the employment and health & wellness zone early in the year and this signals improvement with your job. Don’t be afraid to expand your horizons, because you’ll make a good impression. As for health, Jupiter shines its energy of improvement through health and wellness, or a better outcome than might be expected if illness does occur. The other zone that’s energized is the zone of relationships, and for single signs a new person could arrive. For committed people, the focus shifts to good vibes affecting your partner. This is likely to be a good year for them in one major way.

Retrograde Mars: Your financial zone is activated and big changes are expected over the next 2 years. This could mean changes to your partner’s income, dealings with financial institutions (like mortgages), and all other sources of money that are not income from you. In other words there’s a lot going on with money than just you earning an income.

Retrograde Venus: The zone of career, business and your reputation are in the spotlight and no doubt you’re looking good and making a good impression. Expect nice things to occur in these areas; however keep in mind the retrograde period can cause hiccups for all signs.

Scorpio New Moon: takes place on October 25th and marks your “New Year’s Day” in astrological terms. You should start feeling more like your robust self, full of drive and passion to get something started. Although New Moons have a cyclic 19 year pattern, they don’t necessarily activate planets at each successive 19 year, thus making each New Moon special in its own way.

Scorpio Full Moon: takes place on May 5th, and lasts approximately 3 days. Full Moons can stir emotions, for good or bad, and things can get overwhelming. Plan accordingly; by not over scheduling at this time. With Uranus nearby expect the unexpected or a surprise.

It’s a “Balsamic” year and this typically means “taking time to smell the roses”. In other words you could be satisfied with simpler things, and acts of kindness could be especially appreciated. “Releasing and letting go” is another feature of the year, usually of people or situations you have no control over. For the spiritually inclined this can be a year for growth by really putting your faith in God’s hands.

Special message for your sign: Happy birthday indeed! This year’s New Moon cuddles up the planet Venus, with echoes reverberating all year long. Likely there will be at least one really pleasant event this year, and themes of love and money are high on the list. You are especially affected by the idea of God having a message through an event that almost sweeps you off your feet. This is true for Solar Eclipses, and not everyone will get a message. But if you do it’s usually a dynamic year.

The sun sign forecasts are generic in nature and may not apply to everyone as described. They are meant to highlight certain energies that are general in nature; however their impact may differ based on your unique birth chart. These forecasts are intended to “clue you in” to the planetary energies, so that you are better prepared to make the most of them when they arrive. Conversely you can avoid disappointment and aggravation knowing what planet is doing what thing and at what particular time. Your unique birth chart depicts where the planets were located depending on the date, place and time (if known). This blueprint provides insights into your nature, your preferences and what you’re seeking as a soul. With each of us on different paths, with different lessons to learn, any tool that helps us on that journey is a tool worth using. May you speak your truth, walk your talk and enjoy the journey!


Joann Shelton-Dodd