2023 – General Information

General Information for All Signs

Solar Eclipses/ Nodes: The signs of Aries/Libra are involved, and these are signs of cooperation and balance, that to some, are long overdue. After years of back and forth bickering, over politics, vaccinations, and so on, it’s not been a winning strategy for either side and something needs to change. Realizing that “I” can make a difference to the world I live in is powerful. . For all signs: The underlying drive to form balanced relationships hinges on financial considerations. This is due to Lunar Eclipses in the signs of money, Taurus and Scorpio

Saturn: 2023 finds Saturn moving into Pisces for the next 2 ½ years, and is expected to increase interest in the areas of art and music, creativity, mysticism, spiritualism, religion, virtual reality, the oceans, the under privileged, hospitals, medicine and healing of all kinds. As a shy and quiet sign, it’s what isn’t said that’s more important than what is. Keep this in mind with everyone you encounter, including those in leadership positions. Also someone of African American heritage will factor prominently in the headlines.

Jupiter: The signs of Aries and Taurus are activated, and the desire to get out and get involved in new ventures and projects will be strong (first half of the year). Emotions are easily aroused, and trends in physical activities (like exercise) are likely. Looking good motivates us to make positive changes. The second half of the year finds Taurus energy prevailing, and financial changes are coming in big ways. Could currency be replaced by digital transactions? Look for big developments in the world of banking.

Retrograde Mars: From October 30 through January 12th, with events unfolding over the next two years. Similar years include 2008 (to 2010), 1990 (to 1992) and 1976 (to 1978). Have a Plan A and a Plan B during this period, as things could change with a moment’s notice. Do NOT start major new projects at this time, as they will not work out as expected. This retrograde in Gemini influences issues connected to siblings, neighbors, cars, phones, computers, education, travel and networking & communication. Our minds are on over drive and getting distracted could at times be overwhelming. But the desire to get out and connect with others will be stronger than ever. Opinions abound during this time, and may lead to conflicts and disagreements. Watch what you say, and how you say it, as a casual remark could backfire and cause upsets.

Retrograde Venus: Venus back flips from July 24 to September 5th, so avoid cosmetic work, major purchases and social gatherings during this time. The sign of Leo suggests that there will be some drama and over the top moments. Someone in the entertainment field will stand out too. Whatever area is energized for your sign will experience that energy of Venus through the end of 2024.

New Moons: These are the times when the Sun intermingles with the Moon. When they come together to hold hands they are called New Moons, and are like “seeding” times. It’s important to be conscious of these times, as they are times for setting an intention for the coming month. Some goals may require “seeding” an intention month after month, to reinforce the energy of manifestation. New Moons last about 3 days, so it’s important to mark your calendar and do this exercise of intention during this period. New Moons occur at different times of the month, year after year, and so no two New Moons are alike. However there is an interesting pattern that occurs, and that is New Moons repeat at the same degree every 19 years. So setting these intentions really is important. For each sign there is one particular New Moon each year that is special, and often times it’s a time of personal importance. Mark your calendar and really, really set an intention.

Full Moons: These occur about 14 days after the New Moon and mark a time for illumination. This is the time to pay attention to the messages around you, and they don’t always come from other people. Pay attention to symbols, lyrics in songs, nature and any other information that speaks to your situation. Feel free to ask for feedback, but don’t feel as if you have to act on anything. Keep listening, rather than always talking. Like the New Moon, they repeat a pattern every 19 years too. Full Moons can be overwhelming, and last about three days. In fact this sense of overwhelm can appear three days before the Full Moon, so be conscious and don’t get caught up in the drama around you. For each sign there is one particular Full Moon each year that is special, and often times it’s a time of personal importance. Mark your calendar and pay attention.

A Solar Eclipse is a super, super charged New Moon, and typically there are two each year. The signs involved are often most affected, and are determined by the movement of the Lunar Nodes. However, each of us has those signs somewhere in our charts, and so we experience the Eclipses in that zone. Eclipses are like wild cards, and often accelerate our situation by bringing things to a head. They act very quickly too, meaning things start happening quickly. Although five people may have the same chart (having been born on same day), not all of them will feel the effects of the Solar Eclipse. Some will, some won’t and this leads to the idea that Eclipses are the work of God. When we are nudged into a new situation rather quickly, we often look back and realize it really was in our best interest. We just needed a cosmic kick to get us moving. A Lunar Eclipse reflects back on how we feel about things, and often have an emotional component to them. Whereas Solar Eclipses are associated with an event, the Lunar Eclipse reflects how we feel about that event. The idea of something “leaving” our life is also associated with Lunar Eclipses.

Pluto Enters Aquarius!! 2023 will be an extra special year with this mighty planet hitting 29 degrees before entering the sign of Aquarius. This also means a revolutionary event in the case of Pluto, such as was the case in 2008 when it last changed signs. That year ushered in our first African American President, an event that was unprecedented. History was made, and boundaries were shattered. So what radical event could 2023-2024 hold? Perhaps our country’s first female/woman President.

The sun sign forecasts are generic in nature and may not apply to everyone as described. They are meant to highlight certain energies that are general in nature; however their impact may differ based on your unique birth chart. These forecasts are intended to “clue you in” to the planetary energies, so that you are better prepared to make the most of them when they arrive. Conversely you can avoid disappointment and aggravation knowing what planet is doing what thing and at what particular time. Your unique birth chart depicts where the planets were located depending on the date, place and time (if known). This blueprint provides insights into your nature, your preferences and what you’re seeking as a soul. With each of us on different paths, with different lessons to learn, any tool that helps us on that journey is a tool worth using. May you speak your truth, walk your talk and enjoy the journey!

Joann Shelton-Dodd