2023 – Capricorn

Starts December 21st, 2022 for one year


Solar Eclipses/ The Nodes: The zones being activated are the zones of public and private events, one of the most dynamic zones of all. Home and family matters, as well as parental issues, could mean significant domestic changes. Career and business developments could be big this year too. For all signs: The underlying drive to form balanced relationships hinges on financial considerations. This is due to Lunar Eclipses in the signs of money, Taurus and Scorpio.


Saturn: Saturn activates the zone of networking, communication, teaching, learning, siblings, neighbors and cars. Your mind is ready for a challenge, and finding outlets that stretch the brain cells will be rewarding.


Jupiter: Jupiter energizes the zones of housing & home and this could mean remodeling, moving and enjoying your home more than ever, perhaps through entertaining or hosting events. The other zone connects to children, romance, socializing and having fun. You’ll likely have at least one big event to attend, and you may even help with the planning.


Retrograde Mars: Routines will change quite a bit over the next 2 years, and usually from changes connected to jobs, health, housing and/or relationships. New beginnings are indicated, and looking back 3 years from now you’ll see major changes did indeed take place. The saying “when it rains it pours” comes to mind.


Retrograde Venus: You have a money zone being activated, and this won’t be tied to income matters. Rather you could acquire nice items from investments, or perhaps choose to start investing. Overall, with the exception of the retrograde itself, you should come out “even keel” or slightly better.


Capricorn New Moon: takes place on December 23rd, and marks your “New Year’s Day” in astrological terms. You should start feeling more like your robust self, full of drive and passion to get something started. Although New Moons have a cyclic 19 year pattern, they don’t necessarily activate planets at each successive 19 year, thus making each New Moon special in its own way. Capricorn Full Moon: takes place on July 3rd, and lasts approximately 3 days. It puts the spotlight on others, who demand your attention and things could get emotional and intense at this time. This period maybe particularly uplifting thanks to Jupiter’s presence.


It’s a “Balsamic” year and this typically means “taking time to smell the roses”. In other words you could be satisfied with simpler things, and acts of kindness could be especially appreciated. “Releasing and letting go” is another feature of the year, usually of people or situations you have no control over. For the spiritually inclined this can be a year for growth by really putting your faith in God’s hands.


Special message for your sign: The good news is Pluto leaves your sign, having spent the past 14 years in your sign. It’s been an amazing journey, with highs and lows, and perhaps a few losses. You’ve changed in profound ways, and learned to be more of the real person you are. Give yourself a pat on the back, because you made it even though at times you thought you wouldn’t. It’s amazing to see you now.


The sun sign forecasts are generic in nature and may not apply to everyone as described. They are meant to highlight certain energies that are general in nature; however their impact may differ based on your unique birth chart. These forecasts are intended to “clue you in” to the planetary energies, so that you are better prepared to make the most of them when they arrive. Conversely you can avoid disappointment and aggravation knowing what planet is doing what thing and at what particular time. Your unique birth chart depicts where the planets were located depending on the date, place and time (if known). This blueprint provides insights into your nature, your preferences and what you’re seeking as a soul. With each of us on different paths, with different lessons to learn, any tool that helps us on that journey is a tool worth using. May you speak your truth, walk your talk and enjoy the journey!


Joann Shelton-Dodd