2023 – Aries

Solar Eclipses/ The Nodes: The zones being activated are the zones of relationships, and single Aries may meet someone special. Partnerships of all kinds come into focus. Taking a leadership position may be necessary, and may lead to a major new beginning for you. It may be a balancing act trying to meet your needs against the needs of others. For all signs: The underlying drive to form balanced relationships hinges on financial considerations. This is due to Lunar Eclipses in the signs of money, Taurus and Scorpio.

Saturn: Saturn enters your 12th house of closure and completion, and signals a period for being there for others when needed. This time of your life brings mystical and/or spiritual opportunities to add to your understanding of life. Take time to smell the roses, and get involved in things that spark your creative juices. It may not be apparent just yet, but you’re a couple of years away from a major new chapter.

Jupiter: Jupiter energizes the zones of me, me and me and should signal a year for personal improvement. No matter what the challenges, Jupiter is there to lift you up in spirit. At least one good opportunity should open for you. Jupiter also enhances your house of making money…cha-ching! However watch for impulsive spending.

Retrograde Mars: Get ready to fire up those brain cells, as your mind is on overdrive for the next few years. Learn, teach, travel and connect…whatever you do you’re craving mental stimulation. Events connected to siblings, neighbors and cars are emphasized, and more likely you’ll see an event with one of them.

Retrograde Venus: Time for fun Aries, so expect to see more social invitations coming your way. Single signs might meet a new romantic prospect, and in some cases children (born and yet to be born) will be in focus.

Aries New Moon: takes place on Mar 21st AND April 20th , and marks your “New Year’s Day” in astrological terms. You should start feeling more like your robust self, full of drive and passion to get something started. Although New Moons have a cyclic 19 year pattern, they don’t necessarily activate planets at each successive 19 year, thus making each New Moon special in its own way. Aries Full Moon: takes place on September 29th , and lasts approximately 3 days. It puts the spotlight on others, who demand your attention and things could get emotional and intense at this time.

It’s a “Balsamic” year and this typically means “taking time to smell the roses”. In other words you could be satisfied with simpler things, and acts of kindness could be especially appreciated. “Releasing and letting go” is another feature of the year, usually of people or situations you have no control over. For the spiritually inclined this can be a year for growth by really putting your faith in God’s hands.

Special message for your sign: The world is your oyster with two New Moons in your sign, indicating this is a year of new beginnings in spades! Your ship has come sailing in; don’t be tempted to blow this off as something that will last. Make the most of this year’s energy by expanding your world and going after the things you want. Jupiter helps too, providing confidence and motivation.

The sun sign forecasts are generic in nature and may not apply to everyone as described. They are meant to highlight certain energies that are general in nature; however their impact may differ based on your unique birth chart. These forecasts are intended to “clue you in” to the planetary energies, so that you are better prepared to make the most of them when they arrive. Conversely you can avoid disappointment and aggravation knowing what planet is doing what thing and at what particular time. Your unique birth chart depicts where the planets were located depending on the date, place and time (if known). This blueprint provides insights into your nature, your preferences and what you’re seeking as a soul. With each of us on different paths, with different lessons to learn, any tool that helps us on that journey is a tool worth using. May you speak your truth, walk your talk and enjoy the journey!

Joann Shelton-Dodd